Yours truly believes every morning should begin with a stretch -- even though this IS a downward DOG, your Mz Paws never discriminates!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Promoting Peacefulness: A Meditation for Felines and Humans

the Internet

Let's Make This a Day of Peace

Even though as you can clearly see, yours truly is not "abounding" at the moment -- in fact, I am doing the lazy version of a downward dog, named, bien sur, after yours truly, Mz Paws -- I wish to draw your attention, dear reader, to something you already know: one can find almost anything on the highway we know as The Internet. Including new friends.

I am delighted to report I have found a new friend in Catanna. She can be found at and she has a wonderful meditation for all felines (and humans, as well) that I thought I would pass on here. It was so peaceful for a lovely Sunday morning. I hope you all have a wonderful day full of delicious crunchies and other surprises! Click here for the link to the meditation.

And I see I have another follower! Karen and Raven, WELCOME!! You know I do adore my fans!!

Always your,
Mz Paws

Sunday, September 12, 2010

To Lighten and Brighten Your Day

Life Brings

While on vacation, yours truly practiced Laws #2 and #3 in a snow-white bed in a lovely location by the sea. Naturally, it was a Master size bed -- yours truly expects the best, after all. As should you, dear reader. We are all worth having the best that life offers.

Yours truly did a bit of exploring while on the Master Bed, and to my delight, found a poem tucked in the pillow (it always pays to inspect one's surroundings!). I would like to share this lovely poem with you. It is about yours truly -- in one of my previous lives, of course. May it lighten and brighten your day, as it did mine!

The Cat and the Wind
by Thom Gunn (from The New Yorker, 11/27/1978)

A small wind
blows across the hedge
into the yard.
The cat cocks her ears
--multitudinous rustling
and crackling all around--
her pupils dwindle
to specks
in her yellow eyes
that stare first upward
and then on every side
unable to single out
any one thing
to pounce on,
for all together,
as if orchestrated,
twigs, leaves,
small pebbles pause
and start and pause
in their shifting,
their rubbing
against each other.

She is still listening
when the wind is already
three gardens off.

I do hope you have enjoyed this poem about your Mz Paws as much as I did! Please do let me know by clicking in one of the boxes below! You can find more of Thom Gunn's poetry by clicking here.

Always your,
Mz Paws

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Twenty-five Statements of Advice

Your Mz Paws Has Returned From Vacation

Renewed, restored, rejuvenated, and resplendent -- sometimes a bit of self-aggrandizement is good for the tail -- yours truly has returned from the seaside, where salt air gives fur a special shine.

In honor of my return, I would like to share with you something that a kind friend shared with yours truly (I may like a bit of self-promotion, but your Mz Paws would never plagiarize!). Here it is, some words of wisdom or folly, depending upon how one takes them. I'm taking them as wisdom, myself, although regarding #5, yours truly doesn't have one, and regarding #11, my one and only litter has long since left the nest.

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

9. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

10. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

11. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

12. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

13. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

14. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

15. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

16. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

17. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

18. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

19. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

20. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

21. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

22. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

23. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'

24. Forgive everyone everything.

25. What other people think of you is none of your business.

Always your
Mz Paws

Friday, August 13, 2010

Mz Paws Goes On Vacation

Your Mz Paws
is Going Away for
a Few Days!

Everyone, including all my dear readers and adoring fans, need a break from day-to-day routine. Even if it's just to play with a piece of string. But I am very lucky to be going somewhere very nice by the sea. You can see here that I am finishing up my post and will be ready to go any moment now.

Now YOU, dear reader and adoring fan, must also go and DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT TODAY. Just one little thing. You'll feel a lot better.

I'll be back next week. Until then, I am

Always your
Mz Paws

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Major Depression: Silent Suffering

Major depression: When your reflection doesn't jive with your insides....

Your Mz Paws has found an article from the NY Times that everyone should read, especially anyone who has suffered major depression, anyone who knows someone who has suffered major depression, anyone who knows someone who knows someone....well, dear readers, you get the idea. And for all those who work with those who are suffering from depression, too.

Daphne Merkin, a writer for the NY Times, has bravely written of her experience of the exquisite torture, internal and external, that major depression inflicts on its sufferer. The article is called "A Journey Through Darkness." Mz Paws requests, no BEGS, you all to read this article. Click here. At some point, a creature you know and love might be afflicted with this terrible disease, and Mz Paws has never read anything that approaches her own experience with the illness (yes, the cat's out of the bag -- so to speak -- your very own Mz Paws suffers from depression from time to time!). Yes, cats, rabbits, deer and even d-o-g-s, suffer depression. Especially when they are abandoned or abused. It is a serious illness for all creatures! The signs are sometimes visible, sometimes hidden.

For all those out there who want to know what it is like, and those who have depression and cannot describe what it is like, this article is one of the best on depression that yours truly has ever come across -- it is akin to William Styron's book about his depression called "A Darkness Visible."

Please read this article. For all those you know who might be suffering silently with this illness. Thank you from my heart. And Mz Paws knows that all those who are suffering thank you, too.

Always your
Mz Paws

P.S. Ms. Merkin just published an article in last Sunday's NY Times Magazine Section on therapy, called My Shrunk Life. Click here for that article.

Saturday, August 7, 2010




Dear Reader, to comment, in 50 words or less, what having a good friend means to YOU.

Yours truly has a very good friend named Milo. Do you have a friend like Milo? Your Mz Paws would very much like to know.

Always your
Mz Paws

Friday, July 30, 2010

Straight from the Horse's Mouth: Stupid Motorist Law


Sigh. Oh my dear whiskers, I just cannot believe anyone would think that I would think that the white and orange triangle you see here is a real -- mouse. How utterly -- sigh -- stupid.

Of course, I wouldn't think any being would be -- to put it kindly -- cognitively challenged enough to actually maneuver their driving machines around barricades put up for the express purpose of keeping said beings from stalling their driving machines and drowning themselves in overflowing culverts, streets, creeks and other places where waters can flow fast and furious.

Alas, a Confidential Source (CS) whose name is Raven, tells me that so many challenged beings exist in the state of Arizona that a law had to be passed there called "The Stupid Motorist Law."

The "Stupid Motorist Law", which corresponds to section 28-910 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, states that any motorist who becomes stranded after driving around barricades to enter a flooded stretch of roadway may be charged for the cost of his/her rescue.

The above, my CS tells me, is from Wikipedia, but your Mz Paws also heard, so coincidentally you might not believe this, the very same thing yesterday straight from the horse's mouth.

Your Mz Paws was out for a little grocery gambol yesterday, when what should yours truly hear but the clip clop clip clop of HOOVES on the pavement near our driving machine. Being an intrepid reporter, yours truly had to investigate. Yes, there, being hitched to one of the the cart-return chunnels was a Calico Horse!! Imagine the surprise of your Mz Paws!! A horse, with gorgeous white, black and tan fur just like -- well, you know who.

Of course, dear readers, your Mz Paws leapt at the chance to chat with such an elegant substitute for the ugly, polluting driving machines that populate the local grocery store plaza.

Alas...your Mz Paws did not bring along the Universal Translator Captain Kirk sent her from the Star Trek Convention on Mars last year. (My dear readers, that was a joke. As we all know, Captain Kirk was last seen riding Haley's Comet into the Milky Way.) But I digress.

Using tail signs, yours truly was able to ascertain that this lovely equine specimen had a driver named Mr. Piebald, an older gent with black and white fur on the top of his head, and that they were out on their weekly grocery trot. Calico Horse had saddlebags where Mr. Piebald put their goodies. What a wonderful idea!! So much less polluting than those horrible plastic bags that rip and stay in the environment for one hundred years of solitude. (Since yours truly is ruthlessly honest, she must admit that Calico Horse did leave just a little plop of pollution behind him -- nothing, though, compared to all the other horse-powered driving machines.)

Your Mz Paws was also able to ascertain from Calico Horse that Mr. Piebald had never, and would never under ANY circumstances -- EVER -- drive Calico Horse into a fast-flowing culvert, stream, rivulet or beer keg.

Let us hope, my dear followers, that the poor beings of Arizona, the state my CS, Raven, calls home, will come to their senses. If they have any to come to, that is.

Always your
Mz Paws

P.S. While the above might seem Light Years Away from reality, it is all actually true. Cat's Honest Truth.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mz Paws' Law #4: Elucidation


Never Use Your Claws
Unless Absolutely Necessary

It hardly needs to be said that peaceful living beats (excuse the pugilistic verb -- I assure you, no pun intended) living by The Claw. Many cats and even a few great humans, such as Christ, The Buddha and Dave Barry have suggested if we treat others as we would like them to treat us, we would all live happily ever after. As an example, see above pic, in which I am practicing Law #3, on my Purrfect Blanket. Do I look like I'm going to rip your face off if you come within clawing distance?

You understand my point, I'm sure.

Now, there are a few, slight exceptions to this Law. No, I do not mean if someone attacks you, throws rats at you or calls you a Fatcat Fatboy, which recently happened to my friend Milo. Even then, he successfully practiced Law #4 by simply ignoring the bully, and everything became peaceful and happy once again.

No, I am referring to Life and Death Circumstances. For instance, if someone were to pick me up off my pink Purrfect Happy Blanket and threaten to throw me into the swimming pool, I might -- might, mind you -- put out a little claw. Just a reminder, that I'm a living being who deserves just as much respect as the next one. Of course, I would NEVER think of throwing any being into a swimming pool. Oh, the chlorine, the smell, the WATER.

But I digress. I really am working on tweaking that habit. But I digress again. My point: Law #4 works. Let's all give each other a little breathing room, K?

Always your
Mz Paws

P.S. What do YOU think of Law #4? Please leave me a note. I do tend to feel I'm talking to myself when no one sends me notes here. Thank you kindly.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mz Paws Shares Links

I am hard at work writing my next post (as you can see). It needs a bit of, as they say, tweaking.

Oh my dear tail. That word. Tweaking. It always puts me in mind of a similar word. Probably you guessed it. Yes. Squeaking. And perhaps you know what THAT leads to in my -- if I do say so myself -- ever-active mind. But I digress. Again. It's a habit I'm trying to tweak. Anyway....

I don't normally share very many links on this site, mostly because I usually have so very, very much to say, myself. But since today is tweaking day, I am going to give you, my friends and fans, two links. The first is to a wonderful interview with a fabulous cat named C.E. Lawrence. She talks about everything from string theory (as in math/physics/Big Fang) (or first, click here to see yours truly having fun with her OWN string), to how crime profilers work, the publishing world, meowsical purrformances and oh, so much more. Plus she reads from her book. C.E. Lawrence is, of course, the author of Silent Screams, a thriller that will really raise your fur. Click here to get your neurons firing!

The other link is to an article about the Tea Party. Now, I enjoy bones in china and can raise my little claw as well as the next socio-cat, but I simply will not comment on this other kind of tea party except to say that you MUST watch the UTube version of an hysterical parody of these so-called Teapartiers by "emma's revolution." (That's the name of the group.) It made me grin until -- I have to admit-- my fangs showed. And I never, ever, eVER show my fangs. At least, not in polite society. Click here for a ro-LICKING good time! You can even read the lyrics to the song so you can caterwaul right along with emma's revolution!

P.S. I realize, of course, that I often DO create links to my own and other sites -- well, mostly my own, of course. But it's not because I'm trying to avoid tweaking my next post. Really, it's not. Just look again at how hard I'm working and you'll know I'm telling you the Cat's Honest Truth.

Always your
Mz Paws

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mz Paws on Vacations, the Meaning of Life, Hydrofracking

PRIORITIES and not to hydro-----!

I've never been big on vacations. Imho, they're highly overrated. If you can tell me what can be accomplished on a vacation that cannot be accomplished by sitting quietly and contemplating the true Meaning of Life, then please do so. (I'm told there are places to comment at the end of every one of my messages to you, my adoring -- and adored -- followers.) Contemplating the Meaning of Life may seem rather a large task, or one better left to those whose inclination is to sequester themselves forever behind the walls of a monastery or nunnery -- but actually it is quite simple. Just sit and breathe and see how wonderful it is that we can do this. Click here to learn more. I did, and as you can see, I'm having a delightful time!!

In fact, I've been doing just this since my last message to you. Now I am more than ever convinced that I must continue elucidating my Nine Laws for Good Living. I shall do so very soon. That is, if the paparazzi don't swarm me again. (Of course, I can't really blame them for wanting to get pictures of yours truly....)

In the future, I might also be talking about the practice of hydrofracking -- oh, such a dreadful sounding word, but quite fitting, imo. When I first heard the word, I thought it was some kind of -- oh dear, etiquette dictates that I not even write the word, but I'll give you a hint: it starts with "r" and ends in "e" and Toms are often arrested for it.... yes, yours truly thought it meant "that word" by water. Well, imagine my surprise when I discovered that's exactly what it is. Gas companies hydrofracking Mother Earth. Click here to learn more. What is the world coming to? I think I shall go back on vacation for a few more days!

Remember: all beings -- including wasps and ants -- want to be happy. They just don't know how to do it, and that's how we get into messy things like, oh dear, must I write that terrible word again? Hydro--------. There. What I'm trying to say is, we need to have compassion, even for those who like to hydro-----.

Always your
Mz Paws

Monday, July 12, 2010

Mz Paws: "Silent Screams" a Winner


Get your paws on C.E. Lawrence's thriller Silent Screams. It's got all a literary cat could desire in the way of thoughtful cat-achterizations, a scaaaarrrry plot, lots of CSI-type research, plus a whole lot of action. (Here is yours truly, doing my own sleuthing. It certainly does look like a body bag, does it not? What could it be? It certainly is untidy here. Well, I did learn in Silent Screams that crime scenes can be rather messy....)

Always your
Mz Paws

Mz Paws In Love with Josh Ritter

Josh Ritter's


(A quote from Shakespeare, for those literary cats, like me, who would dare to care about such things.)

Of course, being a sophisti-cat, I do, upon occasion (and if the pay is good -- just joking, of course!) paws for a moment to mention a good book or CD or something other than what I usually meow about here -- my Nine Laws For Good Living, shrimp and the oil in the Gulf, and how the paparazzi have been chasing me, etc.

I happened to be listening to NPR one day and along came an hour-long interview with a very well-spoken man named Josh Ritter. Oh, but it was the music that captured my heart. Yes, my friends, your Mz Paws is IN LOVE!

You can have a listen and a look-see at

The lyrics on the new album are, to put it simply, which is how I, Mz Paws, try always to put things -- but I digress. The lyrics of many of the songs on "So Runs the World Away" are quite worthy of Mr. Shakespeare, himself. Imho. And, lest you be thinking that this constitutes hyperbole, giving credit where it is not due is definitely not one of my foibles. In fact, imho, I have very few foibles at all. Except to have fallen in love now.

Always your,
Mz Paws

BUY BP NOW (and while we're at it, free the phish) Plus: ASPCA Update


that now is the time to buy stock in BP. As you can see from this picture of me (not the most flattering, I must admit, but I allowed it to be published for the sake of making a point) -- that point being, as you can see, I am making paw tracks to my broker to make sure I get in on the deal.

I should also point out that if you have ever been afraid to change careers, FEAR NOT. Former fisherpeople down in the Gulf have been changing careers since April. Many of them have become oilfisherpeople, and I am sure they are very happy to be wearing neck chains and badges that tell all the dead phish and dolphins who they are.

Speaking of phish, I have 2 items about which to pontificate (oh, what a lovely sounding word!). First, only 4 -- FOUR -- of you have voted whether or not I should become vegetarian. That is, of course, about average for this country, in which about 50% of humans turn out at the polls. But I expected better from my fans. VOTE. IT'S YOUR RIGHT!!! And frankly, I'm tired of dithering. Should I have eaten my shrimp last night, or not?

Secondly, (I love saying that!) I believe that the poor phish you see swimming in a cage on top of my page need to be set free. The poor things are continually bumping up against their prison walls, trying desperately to find their way to bigger things -- like the bathtub where I live. Or, perhaps they would prefer one of the three fake ponds. (I wouldn't suggest that, however; too many snapping turtles.) We may be going to the ocean this week -- perhaps they would enjoy a saltwater environment. But no, they might end up in the Gulf and then it would be an oily environment. Well, what do YOU think? Where should the phishies go?

Phree the Phish!
Always your
Mz Paws

P.S. (That means Post Script) This just in from the ASPCA in NYS about what YOU can do to help make attending animal fights a crime:

Dear New York Advocates,

Animal fighting is already a felony in our state, but these brutal, inhumane events still occur. This may partially be due to the fact that attending an animal fight in New York State is just a “violation,” resulting in no criminal record and punishable by a small fine, at worst. Spectators drive the animal fighting industry, so it’s high time that there be a legal deterrent to attending these horrible events in New York.

The New York State Legislature is now considering a bill to make attending an animal fight a misdemeanor offense, even if there is no proof that the attendee paid admission or placed a bet. (This is hardly a groundbreaking concept—in fact, this act is already a felony in New Jersey and Connecticut.) While the State Senate has passed its version of the bill, the Assembly has not, nor has Assembly leadership scheduled this important legislation, A. 6287-B, for a floor vote.

What You Can Do

The NY Assembly will meet later this summer for a one-day voting session to complete unfinished business. Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center today to fax your assemblymember to request that he or she (1) support A. 6287-B, and (2) urge Assembly leadership to post this important humane bill for a floor vote during the one-day session.

Thank you, New York, for helping us fight animal cruelty.

Thank you for reading this. IMHO the bill does not go far enough, but I am still....

Always your,

Mz Paws

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mz Paws Returns: Has Message For Paparazzi and Fans


My dear friends (in this salutation, I include fans and paparazzi, even though the latter have chased me mercilessly):

It is always important to examine oneself thoroughly. While I was Behind the White Door (more on that later) I found a most suitable mirror in which to take a good look at myself. What I found was -- ME.

I have to admit, my dear friends, that during my first days Behind the White Door, (please click on "Behind the White Door" if you have not been following my story), I felt the hounded by doubt and depression. (No doubt, that is where the horrible rumor started that I had -- I can barely write this -- changed species.)

I will say, however, that depression can make one FEEL as though one has undergone some kind of terrible transformation. (Speaking of transformation, I will not even comment on the rumor that I had become A Canine. To do so would simply FEED the FRENZY of gossip and rumor, both of which I find contemptible.)

But I digress. To continue: when I looked in the mirror, I saw the same ME. It was most confusing. I have since learned that depression can cause confusion, as well as doubt.

So, to put matters straight, while I was Behind the White Door, I did see a psycatologist. I will neither name the psycatologist nor the location, although I can tell you that my sessions did take place Behind the White Door. That is all I will say about this.

Except to say that this psycatologist gave me a set of cataffirmations that I used to bring me back to my whiskers:

1) I am Mz Paws. Who is Mz Paws? That is the question....
2) It is not self-aggrandizing to recognize that I am the one and only "Sophisti-cat of the Blogosphere." (But I still have to ask: who is Mz Paws?)
3) My fans love me. They call me the "Queen of Etiquette." That is ok.
4) The paparazzi love me. That is also ok.
5) I can generate compassion for all beings, including the paparazzi who swarmed me and chased me so that I had to run up stairs and hide Behind the White Door.
6) I can wish that no being, including all members of the paparazzi, would suffer as I did when I had doubt and depression because I was chased up the stairs by the paparazzi.
7) I can wish that all beings, including the paparazzi, would have happiness. In other words, I can still practice my Nine Laws for Good Living, no matter what!

Therefore, my dear friends, fans and paparazzi alike, I wish you all to well. I have returned and will soon continue to elucidate my Laws. (I believe the last one I wrote on was Law #2.)

I would also encourage you all to practice the meditation from Page 3. (Just click on "Page 3.) My psycatologist had me practice it every day I was Behind the White Door, and it certainly helped me.

I will be talking with you again very soon. Although I do not for a moment regret my retreat Behind the White Door, I am simply delighted to be back with you, my dear friends and fans. I feel refreshed and ready to once again tackle BP, renewable energy, my Sunday shrimp feast (oh, that's today -- how lovely!), and other worldly problems.

But just for now, whenever you look in a mirror, be HAPPY with what you see!!! For your love and admiration, I Thank you so much (please click on "Thank you" for the proper response!).

Always your --
Mz Paws

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mz Paws Eats Football Players



eats football players. Answering a random question posed by an unknown computer, the Sophisti-cat of the Blogosphere seems to indicate that, given the opportunity, she might consider eating a football player. This scandalous statement comes on the paws of another scandal that Mz Paws will need to clarify when she does reappear from Behind the White Door, the rumor that she has changed species!

Behind the White Door: Mz Paws Undergoes Species Change




Fans today were deeply disturbed by a photo (released in an unnamed newspaper) with the caption "Mz Paws Undergoes Species Change Behind the White Door." The White Door, seen at the top of the stairs which Mz Paws mounted with alacrity upon being swarmed by paparazzi last weekend, has become somewhat of a mystery to fans and fans alike. (Mz Paws has always claimed that she has no real detractors.)

This reporter has discovered the location of the local stairway, and is currently investigating what lies Behind the White Door. A close friend of Mz Paws, who identified himself only as "Milo," speculated that Mz Paws simply needed to go on retreat to practice her Laws #2 and 3.

"Mz Paws is totally capable of taking care of herself," Milo stated to this writer. "And she wouldn't turn herself into a dog."

This writer has learned that, in the past, Mz Paws has befriended many of the canine species. In a letter she wrote to a fan as recently as June, 2010, Mz Paws said:

"We felines have an obligation to nurture a loving and compassionate attitude toward all beings, especially toward those whom we might ordinarily feel animosity, unfriendliness, fear or even disgust. We must cultivate an attitude in our minds of wishing that they, too, could live happy, healthy lives, and that they could engage in happy, healthy activities that will bring them the peace we cats engage in naturally. (BTW, all beings includes humans, dogs and rats.) We should practice wishing this every morning before bathing."

This letter, obtained through an anonymous source close to Mz Paws, clearly shows her huge heart, and seems to indicate that although she wishes dogs well, she does not wish to become one. This reporter has since learned that the canine pictured in the tabloids is NOT MZ PAWS, but one of her closest canine friends, whose name is Leda.

For now, we can only wait with Milo and hundreds of other friends and fans gathered here in the foyer where the staircase is located. Chi, an acquaintance of Mz Paws' stated it succinctly, "I know she'll reappear. Until then, I'm going to sleep."

In the meantime, this reporter will be spending the day trying to discover what exactly lies beyond the white door. Certainly, though, for now we can put to rest any suspicion that Mz Paws has undergone a species change. As she, herself, might put it:

OMG, how utterly ludicrous!