I'm a little frustrated right now...
...because the FDA has promised to ensure that seafood coming to us from the Gulf Coast won't be "contaminated."
Darn. The shrimp platter my human gives me as a treat every Sunday has been a tad on the dry side lately. While it's certainly not proper etiquette to complain about what one receives on one's plate, I have to admit I was kind of hoping for a drop or two more oil with my Sunday feast.
Oh well. C'est la vie, as my French friends say. I'm off to practice Law #3. I've got my spot in the sun already picked out. Ciao.
Love your blog! My tabby "Mowser" picks her spot in the sun daily and usually rotates it weekly or bi-weekly. Last week she slept on my robe the entire week while I was away on vacation. I missed her too.
My dear Mowser, it seems you have mastered the art of my Law #3, to nap whenever and wherever you can! I am delighted for you! And while I do understand the emotion of missing our human friends, might I suggest that, as a cat, we are not powerless in these situations. It is always possible to give our humans a little -- or big, if you like -- reminder that we are the single most important being in their lives. Some of my friends do this in a rather naughty manner, such as scratching furiously on the furniture for a day or so. Some in a more subtle manner, which might take the form of NOT sleeping with your human for a night. I, of course, would disavow any association with such ideas -- but I have seen them work to bring humans back into line, especially if they have left one home while they tootle off on some great vacation. Well, Mowser, I hope we get to chat again. It has been lovely. Always yours, Mz Paws