There are times in a cat's life when not working -- yes, I will return to elucidating Law #1 -- sleeping (Law #2) and napping (Law #3) are simply not enough. We have to do more to conserve our energy. Making friends with all things green is a whole lot easier, imo, than putting up with tons of coal dust in the air. Besides, a good chomp on a piece of greenery is good for the digestion, and the best thing is, the leaves grow back! It's renewable!
Today I'm going on what they call a Staycation. My human is going off somewhere and I get to stay home. It's great fun. All Laws are off on a Staycation. I get to claw the furniture, harass the turtle and get into the kitchen cupboards. Maybe I'll write to you from my Staycation. Stay tuned, and remember: GO GREEN!!
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