Please refer to my previous post on my 9 Laws For Good Living, and the post in which I elucidate Part A of Law #1. Part A deals with the paradoxical statement that "all cats must work." (Also see Page 3.)
Part B of Law #1 is really very simple. We cats ARE NOT RATS, and therefore should never, ever even for one single eeensy, teensy moment become one. Rats are always scuttling about, noses to the ground, never stopping for a moment to sniff the air or see if there's a fly to chase or a lap to sit on. Rats always look as if they're racing somewhere, but I'm telling you, they never, ever, even for one single eeensy, teensy moment, get ANYWHERE. There's been a lot of research about this, and I've read it all. So I'm doing you a favor by telling you if you should ever feel that you've become part of this sort of RAT RACE, GET OUT NOW!
It's easier to get out than you think. Just look around. Find something you enjoy doing, like playing with some string. Sure, it might take some mental energy to remember where you last saw a piece of string, but just think of the reward. YOU GET TO WORK AT PLAYING WITH THE STRING!
Part B of Law #1 really just means, to use a popular phrase: FOLLOW YOUR BLISS. Then work becomes play. It becomes non-work.
It works for me.
Now that I've found my string, I'm off to work with it! Oh, btw, my human is back, so my "Staycation" is over. I used the scratching post this morning instead of the side of the couch. A small concession on my part, but a necessary one. After all, relationships are all about give and take.
Adios, mes amigos. And remember to wish that all beings -- including rats -- are able to follow their bliss today!
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