I may not be the most politically savvy cat in the world, but I can't help commenting on the BP mess. Even though I admit to enjoying Pelican Pate once in a while, it still hurts to see pictures of them covered in all that muck. And it seems to me that President Obama's address to the nation last night contained some real gushers. For example: he said that the BP blight is still happening because the technology to stop this environmental crisis doesn't exist.
Well, why did BP go drilling so deep if they didn't have a fail-safe plan? I mean, things always go wrong with technological stuff. Look at NASA and all those times they had to use back-up systems when they pushed the start button and nothing happened.
Let me put it another way: It's like me deciding to off to Africa to hunt warthogs. First of all, wouldn't that be a little greedy of me? Do I really NEED to go to AFRICA for some good meat? And do I really NEED all that meat? K. So I decide I really need to go to Africa to hunt warthogs. Maybe I have a huge meat freezer in my basement that's begging to be filled. Whatever. Wouldn't I make sure I could really take down a warthog in Africa? Wouldn't I, for example, take along an extra pair of claws? And rent some body armor or at least a lion suit?
Probably you get my point.
Another gusher that the President made, imho (that's Feral for "in my humble opinion") was to focus so much on renewable energy in his talk. Personally, I'm all for renewable energy. I'm a big fan of the wind and the sun. I just wanted to hear more about BP, the corporation, and the reason we've got into this "crisis" in the first place, which is....
In a word: GREED. We're all guilty of it. Even me, although I do try to practice restraint in all things except catnip. But there's something about corporate greed that makes my fangs tingle. I know the President was trying to reassure us when he said that BP would be paying for the "clean-up." But I couldn't help thinking, Big Deal. Doesn't BP bring in billions in profits every year? It's not like they're going to suffer the way all those poor oysters down there are suffering right now and for years to come probably.
Well, I guess that's enough out of me. I just want you to know, I would never really go to Africa to hunt warthogs.
No sun today, so I'm off to my favorite cushion to practice Law #3. (If you don't know what that is, be sure to check out Mz Paws' 9 Laws For Good Living.)
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