Mz Paws' Law #2:
Sleep. Sleep. Sleep More.
Getting enough sleep is very important for us cats. In fact, we spend a great deal of our time engaging in this activity, and a great deal of our energy goes toward finding the precise spot on the bed (or sofa, pillow, etc.) that will induce the deepest and most fulfilling sleep. After a good sleep, we awake refreshed and ready for whatever Life presents. As you can see from this photo of yours truly, I had a Wonderful Night's Sleep, and am already on the prowl.
Now, good sleep habits are essential for good sleep. For instance, one wouldn't want to go on spider patrol just before bedtime. Nor would one want to eat or drink just before sleep, as these can cause one to nightmare. For the importance of sleep, and to get some tips on good sleep habits, just click on "sleep."
While I, personally, do not adhere to all the items contained therein, I thought they might help out those of us who suffer from insomnia, restless leg syndrome (an uncontrollable need to twitch one's legs), or just plain bad sleep habits. And remember, my feral friends, even though you might live out of doors, you must always try to find someplace in which to cozy up.
So, try to practice my Law #2 all the time -- well, whenever you AREN'T sleeping. Happy sleeping! ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Hi there Mz Paws,
ReplyDeleteGreat concept - blog author as conversational feline. Love it! Most original. The posts are very well written and kept me snickering. The poll is inspired. I shall check your blog every week to vote.
My one suggestion for improvement is design-oriented - additional pictures or photos will give the site some visual depth. As will a jazzier background.
You have a fan! And now, on to the polling station ...
Catharine (from How to Blog 1)
I just cannot unnerstan HOW that big fat cat let you papparazzi near him and his butt in the "bath" room! Nevah, nevah, nevah do that again! Signed, Raven
ReplyDeleteHello Mz Paws, One cool cat with a very nice blog. Later, R
ReplyDeleteMy Dear Raven,
ReplyDeleteI am currently "under seige" by the paparazzi. (Please note the correct spelling of this word, which comes from an old French word meaning "rummager," as in one who "rummages" through papers.) I do NOT encourage the paparazzi. I do not encourage rummaging of any sort. In fact, I am thinking of starting an ANTI-RUMMAGING organization. Perhaps in the south, from whence it seems you hail, given your spelling (another error) of the word "never" -- perhaps in the south you do not have paparazzi. As for the cat pictured being fat -- well, perhaps he cannot help it. Perhaps he has emotional eating problems, or a hormonal imbalance. To impugn him without knowing him is slanderous. If I were not so steeped in the etiquette of the polite world, I might say that you, Raven, might benefit from course in common courtesy.
Yours (under seige),
Mz Paws
To my anonymous fan,
ReplyDeleteWhy, thank you. I have been told I am a "cool" cat by others, as well. I just wish, in this heat, that my fans could do what fans were made for -- fanning, in a word. However, I am delighted you have enjoyed my blog, and hope you will return!
Yours most sincerely,
Mz Paws