Never Use Your Claws
Unless Absolutely Necessary
It hardly needs to be said that peaceful living beats (excuse the pugilistic verb -- I assure you, no pun intended) living by The Claw. Many cats and even a few great humans, such as Christ, The Buddha and Dave Barry have suggested if we treat others as we would like them to treat us, we would all live happily ever after. As an example, see above pic, in which I am practicing Law #3, on my Purrfect Blanket. Do I look like I'm going to rip your face off if you come within clawing distance?
You understand my point, I'm sure.
Now, there are a few, slight exceptions to this Law. No, I do not mean if someone attacks you, throws rats at you or calls you a Fatcat Fatboy, which recently happened to my friend Milo. Even then, he successfully practiced Law #4 by simply ignoring the bully, and everything became peaceful and happy once again.
No, I am referring to Life and Death Circumstances. For instance, if someone were to pick me up off my pink Purrfect Happy Blanket and threaten to throw me into the swimming pool, I might -- might, mind you -- put out a little claw. Just a reminder, that I'm a living being who deserves just as much respect as the next one. Of course, I would NEVER think of throwing any being into a swimming pool. Oh, the chlorine, the smell, the WATER.
But I digress. I really am working on tweaking that habit. But I digress again. My point: Law #4 works. Let's all give each other a little breathing room, K?
Always your
Mz Paws
P.S. What do YOU think of Law #4? Please leave me a note. I do tend to feel I'm talking to myself when no one sends me notes here. Thank you kindly.
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