Sigh. Oh my dear whiskers, I just cannot believe anyone would think that I would think that the white and orange triangle you see here is a real -- mouse. How utterly -- sigh -- stupid.
Of course, I wouldn't think any being would be -- to put it kindly -- cognitively challenged enough to actually maneuver their driving machines around barricades put up for the express purpose of keeping said beings from stalling their driving machines and drowning themselves in overflowing culverts, streets, creeks and other places where waters can flow fast and furious.
Alas, a Confidential Source (CS) whose name is Raven, tells me that so many challenged beings exist in the state of Arizona that a law had to be passed there called "The Stupid Motorist Law."
The "Stupid Motorist Law", which corresponds to section 28-910 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, states that any motorist who becomes stranded after driving around barricades to enter a flooded stretch of roadway may be charged for the cost of his/her rescue.
The above, my CS tells me, is from Wikipedia, but your Mz Paws also heard, so coincidentally you might not believe this, the very same thing yesterday straight from the horse's mouth.
Your Mz Paws was out for a little grocery gambol yesterday, when what should yours truly hear but the clip clop clip clop of HOOVES on the pavement near our driving machine. Being an intrepid reporter, yours truly had to investigate. Yes, there, being hitched to one of the the cart-return chunnels was a Calico Horse!! Imagine the surprise of your Mz Paws!! A horse, with gorgeous white, black and tan fur just like -- well, you know who.
Of course, dear readers, your Mz Paws leapt at the chance to chat with such an elegant substitute for the ugly, polluting driving machines that populate the local grocery store plaza.
Alas...your Mz Paws did not bring along the Universal Translator Captain Kirk sent her from the Star Trek Convention on Mars last year. (My dear readers, that was a joke. As we all know, Captain Kirk was last seen riding Haley's Comet into the Milky Way.) But I digress.
Using tail signs, yours truly was able to ascertain that this lovely equine specimen had a driver named Mr. Piebald, an older gent with black and white fur on the top of his head, and that they were out on their weekly grocery trot. Calico Horse had saddlebags where Mr. Piebald put their goodies. What a wonderful idea!! So much less polluting than those horrible plastic bags that rip and stay in the environment for one hundred years of solitude. (Since yours truly is ruthlessly honest, she must admit that Calico Horse did leave just a little plop of pollution behind him -- nothing, though, compared to all the other horse-powered driving machines.)
Your Mz Paws was also able to ascertain from Calico Horse that Mr. Piebald had never, and would never under ANY circumstances -- EVER -- drive Calico Horse into a fast-flowing culvert, stream, rivulet or beer keg.
Let us hope, my dear followers, that the poor beings of Arizona, the state my CS, Raven, calls home, will come to their senses. If they have any to come to, that is.
Always your
Mz Paws
P.S. While the above might seem Light Years Away from reality, it is all actually true. Cat's Honest Truth.
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