Dear Reader, to comment, in 50 words or less, what having a good friend means to YOU.
Yours truly has a very good friend named Milo. Do you have a friend like Milo? Your Mz Paws would very much like to know.
Always your
Mz Paws
Yours truly is shocked! No comments on friendship yet? That could only that my Dear Readers are a) to shy to comment or b) don't have a friend like Milo. That would be very sad. As you can see from the pic, Milo and yours truly, Mz Paws, we are content just to BE with each other. What could be better? Who needs a lot of chatter? I know if I'm attacked by a cat-snatching alligator, Milo would....well, actually, he might run away. But I KNOW HE WOULD WANT TO HELP ME. That's the point. Well, I'm going to keep sitting here with Milo, enjoying life together. YOU can leave a message or not. I won't be too bothered either way.
ReplyDeleteAlways your
Mz Paws
:( Yours truly is quite sad. There is no one out there with a friend, no one out there who can tell us all what having a friend like Milo means to him/her. :( Your Mz Paws is quite sad and is thinking that perhaps to elucidate more of her Nine Laws for Good Living would be wasted in cyberspace. :( Yours truly is going to go practice Laws #2 and 3 right now. There is no point in writing more. However, yours truly still cares a great deal for all her fans. Perhaps practicing Law #3 for a while will help sort things out.
ReplyDeleteAlways your
Mz Paws
My dear Barbara,
ReplyDeleteI know that you have a friend, since my human considers you a friend! Therefore, there is no need for you to comment. In fact, there is no need for anyone to comment, really. Yours truly was just hoping that my adoring fans would consider the question and think a little on what friendship means to them.
I’m so glad you like the numbered rules. I always try to live my life according to, well, I have to say it, my own 9 Laws for Good Living.
As for writing my memoirs in English and French, why, bien sur, pourquois pas? I shall have to give it some thought. In fact, I shall be contemplating the idea all day as I practice Law#3. Merci beaucoups for such a lovely suggestion.
Finally, your Mz Paws is tres triste that you are, as they say, “under the weather.” (Although yours truly find that phrase to be tres gauche!) In any case, pour favour, GET WELL SOON!!!!
Always your,
Mz Paws