Yours truly believes every morning should begin with a stretch -- even though this IS a downward DOG, your Mz Paws never discriminates!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Major Depression: Silent Suffering

Major depression: When your reflection doesn't jive with your insides....

Your Mz Paws has found an article from the NY Times that everyone should read, especially anyone who has suffered major depression, anyone who knows someone who has suffered major depression, anyone who knows someone who knows someone....well, dear readers, you get the idea. And for all those who work with those who are suffering from depression, too.

Daphne Merkin, a writer for the NY Times, has bravely written of her experience of the exquisite torture, internal and external, that major depression inflicts on its sufferer. The article is called "A Journey Through Darkness." Mz Paws requests, no BEGS, you all to read this article. Click here. At some point, a creature you know and love might be afflicted with this terrible disease, and Mz Paws has never read anything that approaches her own experience with the illness (yes, the cat's out of the bag -- so to speak -- your very own Mz Paws suffers from depression from time to time!). Yes, cats, rabbits, deer and even d-o-g-s, suffer depression. Especially when they are abandoned or abused. It is a serious illness for all creatures! The signs are sometimes visible, sometimes hidden.

For all those out there who want to know what it is like, and those who have depression and cannot describe what it is like, this article is one of the best on depression that yours truly has ever come across -- it is akin to William Styron's book about his depression called "A Darkness Visible."

Please read this article. For all those you know who might be suffering silently with this illness. Thank you from my heart. And Mz Paws knows that all those who are suffering thank you, too.

Always your
Mz Paws

P.S. Ms. Merkin just published an article in last Sunday's NY Times Magazine Section on therapy, called My Shrunk Life. Click here for that article.

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