Yours truly believes every morning should begin with a stretch -- even though this IS a downward DOG, your Mz Paws never discriminates!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Promoting Peacefulness: A Meditation for Felines and Humans

the Internet

Let's Make This a Day of Peace

Even though as you can clearly see, yours truly is not "abounding" at the moment -- in fact, I am doing the lazy version of a downward dog, named, bien sur, after yours truly, Mz Paws -- I wish to draw your attention, dear reader, to something you already know: one can find almost anything on the highway we know as The Internet. Including new friends.

I am delighted to report I have found a new friend in Catanna. She can be found at and she has a wonderful meditation for all felines (and humans, as well) that I thought I would pass on here. It was so peaceful for a lovely Sunday morning. I hope you all have a wonderful day full of delicious crunchies and other surprises! Click here for the link to the meditation.

And I see I have another follower! Karen and Raven, WELCOME!! You know I do adore my fans!!

Always your,
Mz Paws

Sunday, September 12, 2010

To Lighten and Brighten Your Day

Life Brings

While on vacation, yours truly practiced Laws #2 and #3 in a snow-white bed in a lovely location by the sea. Naturally, it was a Master size bed -- yours truly expects the best, after all. As should you, dear reader. We are all worth having the best that life offers.

Yours truly did a bit of exploring while on the Master Bed, and to my delight, found a poem tucked in the pillow (it always pays to inspect one's surroundings!). I would like to share this lovely poem with you. It is about yours truly -- in one of my previous lives, of course. May it lighten and brighten your day, as it did mine!

The Cat and the Wind
by Thom Gunn (from The New Yorker, 11/27/1978)

A small wind
blows across the hedge
into the yard.
The cat cocks her ears
--multitudinous rustling
and crackling all around--
her pupils dwindle
to specks
in her yellow eyes
that stare first upward
and then on every side
unable to single out
any one thing
to pounce on,
for all together,
as if orchestrated,
twigs, leaves,
small pebbles pause
and start and pause
in their shifting,
their rubbing
against each other.

She is still listening
when the wind is already
three gardens off.

I do hope you have enjoyed this poem about your Mz Paws as much as I did! Please do let me know by clicking in one of the boxes below! You can find more of Thom Gunn's poetry by clicking here.

Always your,
Mz Paws