that now is the time to buy stock in BP. As you can see from this picture of me (not the most flattering, I must admit, but I allowed it to be published for the sake of making a point) -- that point being, as you can see, I am making paw tracks to my broker to make sure I get in on the deal.
I should also point out that if you have ever been afraid to change careers, FEAR NOT. Former fisherpeople down in the Gulf have been changing careers since April. Many of them have become oilfisherpeople, and I am sure they are very happy to be wearing neck chains and badges that tell all the dead phish and dolphins who they are.
Speaking of phish, I have 2 items about which to pontificate (oh, what a lovely sounding word!). First, only 4 -- FOUR -- of you have voted whether or not I should become vegetarian. That is, of course, about average for this country, in which about 50% of humans turn out at the polls. But I expected better from my fans. VOTE. IT'S YOUR RIGHT!!! And frankly, I'm tired of dithering. Should I have eaten my shrimp last night, or not?
Secondly, (I love saying that!) I believe that the poor phish you see swimming in a cage on top of my page need to be set free. The poor things are continually bumping up against their prison walls, trying desperately to find their way to bigger things -- like the bathtub where I live. Or, perhaps they would prefer one of the three fake ponds. (I wouldn't suggest that, however; too many snapping turtles.) We may be going to the ocean this week -- perhaps they would enjoy a saltwater environment. But no, they might end up in the Gulf and then it would be an oily environment. Well, what do YOU think? Where should the phishies go?
Phree the Phish!
Always your
Mz Paws
P.S. (That means Post Script) This just in from the ASPCA in NYS about what YOU can do to help make attending animal fights a crime:
Dear New York Advocates,
Animal fighting is already a felony in our state, but these brutal, inhumane events still occur. This may partially be due to the fact that attending an animal fight in New York State is just a “violation,” resulting in no criminal record and punishable by a small fine, at worst. Spectators drive the animal fighting industry, so it’s high time that there be a legal deterrent to attending these horrible events in New York.
The New York State Legislature is now considering a bill to make attending an animal fight a misdemeanor offense, even if there is no proof that the attendee paid admission or placed a bet. (This is hardly a groundbreaking concept—in fact, this act is already a felony in New Jersey and Connecticut.) While the State Senate has passed its version of the bill, the Assembly has not, nor has Assembly leadership scheduled this important legislation, A. 6287-B, for a floor vote.
What You Can Do
The NY Assembly will meet later this summer for a one-day voting session to complete unfinished business. Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center today to fax your assemblymember to request that he or she (1) support A. 6287-B, and (2) urge Assembly leadership to post this important humane bill for a floor vote during the one-day session.
Thank you, New York, for helping us fight animal cruelty.
Thank you for reading this. IMHO the bill does not go far enough, but I am still....
Always your,
Mz Paws
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