the Internet
Let's Make This a Day of Peace
Even though as you can clearly see, yours truly is not "abounding" at the moment -- in fact, I am doing the lazy version of a downward dog, named, bien sur, after yours truly, Mz Paws -- I wish to draw your attention, dear reader, to something you already know: one can find almost anything on the highway we know as The Internet. Including new friends.
I am delighted to report I have found a new friend in Catanna. She can be found at www.catanna.com and she has a wonderful meditation for all felines (and humans, as well) that I thought I would pass on here. It was so peaceful for a lovely Sunday morning. I hope you all have a wonderful day full of delicious crunchies and other surprises! Click here for the link to the meditation.
And I see I have another follower! Karen and Raven, WELCOME!! You know I do adore my fans!!
Always your,
Mz Paws