This morning I woke up all sad and mad and depressed about the fly that got away from me last night. Really depressed. :(
That thing was truly devilish. I chased him -- or her -- or it, if you prefer -- for hours at the window, and, I have to admit, I made some really, really good holes in the screen, which my human hasn't yet discovered and which was really, really fun to do, if you've never poked a hole in a screen, it makes a really neat little ripping noise...but I digress.
K. So. Did the fly go out the holes? No, he/she/it stayed put and kept making all kinds of tantalizing noises. Then, just when I had decided I'd had enough and was ready to practice my Law #2, the fly purposefully set himself down within a HAIR of my right front paw. I'm not exaggerating. Well, maybe a tad. But it was maddening.
In fact, this morning, after my bath, I was still scheming about how I'll get that fly -- which, btw, I WILL -- and I got so busy practicing flexing my claws (even though I do truly believe in my Law #4) that I missed breakfast this morning AND playing string, my all-time favorite game. Can you imagine?
THAT got through to me. PRON-to. If I spend time dreaming about my future conquest of things winged, then I'm going to miss something. Like my crunchies, which my friend Milo (you can see him on page 2) promptly consumed. With great gusto, I might add.
So, I'm just going to sit and be here. Just right now, I'm sitting here on the corner of the desk, watching my human do very strange things. (They do such strange things, these humans.) But I'm just going to sit here and watch. When thoughts of flies or mice come into my mind, I'm going to come back to sitting right here, on the corner of the desk, watching my human do strange things. I think they call this "living in the now."
May all your days be lived fully. With that, I'm going back to sitting here on the corner of the desk, sitting, watching. Isn't Life wonderful?
Ciao. Don't forget to LIVE, NOW!
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