...at the maaavalous concert my human is giving on APRIL 30, 2011. Dear reader, you must know, by now, that your Mz Paws does not EVER stoop to that scourge of the world known as -- oh, do I dare say it? -- "advertising" or "marketing," as some humans like to call it.
Having divested myself of a connection to that scurrilous activity, I am willing to say this:
You must all RUN to this concert, did I say it will be on April 30th? A Saturday. Yes.
Yes, well, there are four reasons you MUST get yourself there by any means possible (short of stealing your transportation, of course):
1) The concert features my human's collection of compositions entitled -- so she tells me -- "Animal Tails." (As if all animals have tails! Well, we won't address this little problem right now.) The important feature is that she has engaged the services of an ANIMAL WRANGLER to assist the performers, of which she is one.
2) I have heard through my contacts that this concert is featuring a rare piece by a Frenchman who lived long, long ago in a place far, far away, named Claude Debussy. It is rare because it combines flute, piano and a French narrator.
3) My human has been playing the same -- I never use "fowl" language, as you know -- catdarn music for months now, and if you don't attend her concert, I'm afraid she'll keep playing it. I have VERY delicate ears, and those high notes on the flute....oh my dear Soul....
4) You just might find yours truly in attendance. Yes, your very own Mz Paws!! Yours truly would not miss the first concert that my human has given in hundreds of years because of a nerve injury to her face. She has a Master's in Flute Performance (I saw her diploma once -- she does not know this) and has been very sad until lately. Now she is happy she can play -- and your very own Mz Paws would NEVER miss this opportunity to hear her.
NOR SHOULD YOU!!! If yours truly can get there on her own four paws, surely YOU can find your way there, too!!! I will take great delight in meeting all MY fans at the reception following the concert.
Now, you may be asking, "Where is 'there'?" Quite rightly. "There" is:
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Saratoga Springs, 624 North Broadway. The concert starts at 7:30 pm, but get there EARLY because seating is limited. This is a benefit concert; tickets are $10 for all you General Public humans; $5 for those of you who call yourselves "students."
Always your,
Mz Paws